Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekend blogging

So what was once irregular is becoming more of a thing, it would seem. Friday my family received some sh*tty horrible news, and I just didn't have my wits about me to get anything posted. Though I did have a post planned! Cute and light-hearted, concerning of all things shoes and shopping, but nonetheless my heart was too weighed down.

I tell you not as an excuse but because I know we all have lives outside of the sites of the Internet we visit. Whether we're seeking information, entertainment, escape or some other form of fulfillment, we take real time from our real lives to be online, and I am hating myself for the thought of any readers wasting so much as a minute looking for new content here and coming up empty-handed.

My thanks again for your patience and continued support! I am still/again/always floored to see SMACK!'s readership values grow and climb. Seriously, this has been our best month yet. I love you guys for visiting, reading, sharing. Keep it up!

With tons of gratitude,

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