Thursday, January 23, 2014

No more tears

Last week Johnson & Johnson announced that it had met a previously set goal of removing two questionable chemicals from its products. The New York Times covered the news here. It's an excellent article, and I encourage everyone who hasn't done so already to read it. I know week-old news is even older in the Internet Age, but its importance doesn't diminish with passing time.

What's encouraging is that consumers are using their voices -- individual and collective -- to steer corporate decisions and market movement. IT WORKS. It takes time, and effort, but it does work.

For whatever reason, the NYT is the only mainstream news outlet covering the story. Did J&J go to them for an exclusive, effectively 'selling' the news in return for a gentler, less critical take in the final piece? Perhaps. I keep an eye out for more coverage, for I find it hard to believe that a story big enough for the Times isn't big enough for anyone else. Let me know what you've seen or heard about it, and together we'll get a sense for who's covering the very type of change we all want to see in the products we use. 


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