Monday, January 13, 2014

Fifty Shades of Orange

So last night's Golden Globes saw a real epidemic of something I'm calling Middle Aged Man Tan. McConaughey, Leo, Cooper, Robb Lowe and a few others really over did it at the tanning salon. I mean, they do know we all have HDTVs, right? Not that spray tan ever looks good anywhere, but it looks especially cheese in hi-def.

It got me thinking about self tanners. What are the chemicals in self-tanners and spray tanners? How do they work? That's what we need to know. So I'm going to do some reconnaissance to see if there's a good way to have sun-kissed skin that doesn't look, oh, you know, orange. 

Can you tell that I am just looking for any way to get through the rest of winter? No, no, really, it'll be good come Spring time -- and then finally Summer! -- to have an alternative to skin damaging sun exposure.

Have you ever used a self tanner? Or hit the spray tan salon? Let me know your experience  and help steer the, eh, research. And keep us looking like creepy middle-aged movie actors  desperately grasping for any piece of youth.


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