Friday, January 17, 2014

The dog ate my post

No, seriously. Things like that really do happen. My dogs, who, throughout their 6-year lifespan, have eaten items too numerous and varied to believe, ate the topic of yesterday's post. This is why is one of my favorite websites.

My dogs think viscose is yummy
So, literally, they ate yesterday's post. (It is not lost on me that in the UK this statement would read to mean the dogs ate my mail. I think that's the one thing they haven't ever done. Yet.) I had bought a package of Trader Joe's "Super Amazing Reusable Kitchen Cloths" and made the mistake of leaving them on the kitchen table. My plan had been to take some cute photos for the blog, but before I could do that, the dogs absconded with them to tear and chew up in the living room.  #!*%!#*!!!

Thankfully, most of the mess was the shredded packaging. The cloths themselves were still nearly whole and still very useable. Ok. Now that my frustration with them has subsided (it took a full 36 hours, and many, many Vanilla Bean Joe-Joes cookies), we can try to cobble together what's left of a post about this product.

I first have to cop to using paper towels. A lot of paper towels. But they have their limits when it comes to cleaning. And they can get kind of expensive, even if you belong to the warehouse club and use your coupons and all that. And that whole tree-killing thing that causes an uptick in my stomach acid. So this product meets a lot of needs. Or least uses all the right buzz words. 

TJ's calls the cloths 'super amazing' because they are absorbent but also release water quickly and easily. Not unlike those little towels that Olympic divers use. And that is a function of the fabric content -- in this case, viscose.

I don't know anything about viscose. Do you? Some reconnaissance is needed here, and I'm thinking that will take the form of a 'Part Deux' to this post. Double post day, aren't you lucky! I'll do some research and let you know what I find. In the meantime, it's Friday!


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