Friday, August 16, 2013

Unacceptable Levels

Summer is blockbuster movie season. Even I went to the movies, to see The Heat (sooooo funny). But while most movie-goers were watching things blow up at their local cineplex, handfuls of viewers got to see a small movie about chemical toxins in everyday products that was quietly going coast to coast for a summer tour.

Unacceptable Levels is Ed Brown's documentary about the tens of thousands of chemicals that course through the American way of life. It's a topic that's very near and dear to our hearts here at SMACK! so when I read a Q&A with Brown on HuffPo I knew I needed to find out more.

Brown's received good support and good press for the movie, which was first released in January 2013. Both Ken Cook (from the Environmental Working Group) and Stacy Malkan (from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics) are featured in the documentary, as well as everyone's favorite thorn-in-the-side Ralph Nader.

Here's the trailer:

Whaddya think? I could see becoming quickly overwhelmed (not to mention a little frightened), like Supersize Me for your bathroom vanity. But it's nonetheless an important and compelling message.

Pass it on. Share it on FB. Tell your friends about it the next time you're getting ready for a night on the town. Or, better yet, see what you can do to get a screening at the theatre new you. We CAN make a difference!

-- Jazzy

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