Thursday, August 29, 2013

There's an app for that

Or at least there will be.

I know I've been beating it into SMACK! readers since the beginning that EWG's Skin Deep database is THE go-to source for rating your favorite products for chemical toxicity. Soon it will your on-the-go source, too.

EWG is launching a Skin Deep app for mobile devices next month, so that we all can avoid jamming up traffic in the health and beauty aisle while we squint at our screens trying to make out what the website is telling us about this bodywash or that shaving cream. Oh wait, that's just me?

Probably the only time I was eager to fork over my email address, to find out when the app is launching (good for them for building hype anyway they can). Though not surprising that I'm now also signed up for every email blast they send ad nauseum. No matter.

Of COURSE I will let you know as soon as the app launches, and give a full report on how it works, because I want you, too, to have all this great information at your fingertips. In other words, I'll be hounding your a$$ until you download the app and start using it every time you go to the market. Too bad I can't make it a mandatory condition of readership!

Yours in mobile fun,

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