Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Seventeen dollars

How was your weekend? I have to admit, my inner snarky smartass was wondering how the whole federal holiday thing works when the federal government isn't...no matter, we're back from the long weekend and looking forward to a good (but short) week!

Over the weekend I couldn't help but think back to this time last year, when I had my first round of chemo under my belt and was just beginning to see the signs of hair loss. It'll take 10-14 days, they said, after the infusion and sure enough, on day 13, the first strands began shedding a little too easily.

I'll spare you the rest. It wasn't pleasant, or pretty.

It's also no longer an issue. My hair has grown back quite fully, surprising me every new half inch with a changing texture or uncontrollable wave. My mother had legendary bed head, but I think with my hair the way it is now I could take her.

As such, I use a battery of products to keep it looking presentable. Giovanni's Magnetic Force Hair Wax, which I reviewed back in July, is still in my daily lineup. But I ran out of mousse the other day. Acting on a hunch that it probably wasn't the healthiest choice, I decided to consult the Skin Deep database before buying anything else.

My instincts were right. Hair mousse is inherently really, really chemical-y. That kinda stinks because it's something I've always used, that's always worked with my hair for volume and body and good control. So, er, now what?

Big Sexy Hair makes a mousse that EWG rates a '0', the Big Altitude Bodifying Mousse. I don't have big sexy anything so I was intrigued, but I couldn't find it on store shelves. The closest thing I saw was a spray mousse that EWG rates an '8'. No thank you.

I settled on a mousse from Giovanni, and will have a review for it this week. Interesting to note: my local Whole Foods sells just 2 products that can be called mousse. Huh.

What are some of your favorite hair products? Me, I think wash-and-wear is a myth, but maybe you have easy breezy beautiful hair in which case you suck. Just kidding. Not really.

-- Jazzy

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