Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Belly cupping

It's that thing where expectant mother (or even father) lovingly cuddles the swollen life with one or both arms. This week Jason Sudeikis (it took me like 6 tries to spell his name right) and Olivia Wilde announced that they are with child, joining the ranks of folks who have a reason to belly-cup. 

I mention it not because the pregnancy in and of itself is not news. Repeat: the pregnancy itself IS NOT NEWS. Rather, because of Wilde's position as a Revlon spokesperson. Wilde started endorsing Revlon with Emma Stone back in 2011. 

These days, celebrities don't use terms like 'spokesperson' or 'endorsement' because of the dirty, backroom deals that the words invoke. Vague, ambiguous words like 'ambassador' are used instead to lift the experience (and confuse the consumer. Are you or are you not getting paid to tell me which products I should be using? whatever).

So 'Global Ambassador' Olivia Wilde pushes Revlon cosmetics. Last month an ad campaign featuring both actresses came out in support of the new Fall 2013 cosmetics line. I'm omitting a link because I don't want to give Revlon any more free publicity.

Here's my issue. Wilde is pregnant. Guaranteed she will be as visible as ever so the paps and her adoring fans can watch her belly grow. Babies are big business in Hollywood.  And who benefits from all that extra exposure? Revlon. The company she endorses, through her 'global ambassadorship'. The company that makes and markets and sells products that contain harmful, health-threatening chemicals, such as BHT, parabens and resorcinol.

If you haven't yet, put your name to this complaint letter to Revlon over at the Breast Cancer Fund. Or send them your own letter here. Tell them that their chemicals have no place in our bodies. Tell them that if the company really cares, it will seek safer, less toxic alternatives to the ingredients it currently uses. Tell them there is no value, or style, or beauty, in applying poisons to your body.

Your favorite troublemaker,

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