Monday, September 16, 2013

Walmart for the WIN

Anyone who knows me knows I loathe Walmart. Like, even going there for one thing will put me in a right foul mood for the rest of the day. In fact, this is one of my favorite eCards:

I might have to eat my words, though, if last week's news is any indication of Walmart's future. The Breast Cancer Fund announced via a press release on Thursday that Walmart has committed to targeting as many as 10 toxic chemicals for elimination from personal, beauty and household products sold in its stores.


There wasn't anything on the Walmart website about this announcement (or if there is, it's well hidden) but they did participate in the round of press that picked up the story: USA Today, Associated Press (via HuffPo), Fast Company, and others helped spread the word.

Walmart is leading the way, truly. A retailer of its caliber is just the thing to get manufacturers to adjust their practices and start turning out products that aren't toxic and poisonous. And also just what American consumers need to start paying attention to what they buy. My favorite line from the Fast Company piece:

"Walmart is even bigger than California--when measured by revenue, it's the equivalent of a large country. So when the company decides to make a shift like this, it affects entire industries."

Yes! Of course, nothing happens overnight, but this a huge shove to get the ball rolling. I love how Walmart's using its muscle; in addition to axing a bunch of toxic chemicals from its store shelves, the company will lean on its suppliers to disclose ingredients to consumers. LOVE.

Wasn't I just saying last week that Target needed to man up, because offering better products at a good value really aligned with its corporate image? Well sorry, Spot, you really missed the boat on this one. Everything (anything) Target does now will be playing catch-up to its longtime rival. Best of all, Target will have to do something to avoid being seen as unresponsive to a major industry change. 

Hahahahahhahahha. This tickles me, how Walmart is dragging the rest of the industry along, kicking and screaming.

It's GREAT news, but I'm not ready to add Walmart to my weekly list of errands. I want to see their timetable and target chemicals and products to see just how much effort they're putting into this initiative.

Forever cynical,

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