Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Leaning In

A few months back a friend of mine recommended reading Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In. Have you read it? I'm not a traditional businesswoman so I wasn't sure what I would get out of the book, but I added it to my GoodReads list anyway. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but apparently the suggestion alone was enough, for when I saw Lean In's official Facebook feed I hit the 'like' button right away.

One of my favorite features is when fans post photos of themselves with little signs that say -- no, declare! -- what they would do if they weren't afraid. In other words, how would you 'lean in' for yourself? What would you do to encourage personal success? It's brilliant.

I myself have been going through an emotional couple weeks, as happens just before I experience a crystallizing moment where I finally understand something that's been hanging me up or keeping me down.

My epiphany was so simple, of course. What would I do if I wasn't afraid? 

I would speak up, and give my ideas and convictions the voice they deserve.

Then I realized that this blog was a first step in doing just that. So, to you, my readers, I owe a big, big thank you. Thank you for stopping by when you do, thank you for reading my posts, even (or especially) the crummy ones that are little more than a tirade (Mammo Monday comes to mind), and thank you moreover for your patience as we find our way here at SMACK! It wouldn't be the same without you!

-- Jazzy

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