Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Getting fleeced

Fall is in the air...at least it should be by now. It's mid-September, the Halloween stuff's been out since July, and I'll be damned if I'm not already seeing stuffing mix and roasting pans on display at the market.

So how nice is it to wrap up in a cozy fleece against the Autumn chill? It could be your favorite hoodie, or a super soft throw on your couch, or hell, you can even buy fleece sheets and bedding.

Here's why you DON'T want to. A really great piece over at Mother Jones from 2011 looked at how fleece sheds micro-plastic fibers during every wash cycle. The micro-plastic in turn ends up in the water supply and from there worms its way into ocean water. 

It's a really interesting article because it not only identifies a problem but puts it in the context of the bigger picture. Ocean pollution affects the entire aquatic food chain and, ultimately, us. Haters gonna hate on cotton for its high environmental footprint, but author Tom Philpott poses this simple but thought-provoking idea: what if we all just consumed less clothing? That's right, shopped LESS. Buy fewer items. Actually wear stuff out.

I hear you fashionistas scoffing about new styles and the such. For heaven's sakes, the  fashion and retail industries would not crumble if consumers stopped begging like dogs for the next new thing. Clothing companies might have to put some thought into what they make, to actually make it last. More classic styles that will stand the test of a few years, not these flash-in-the-pan trends that look sillier than the last. That's right, mullet skirt, I'm talking to you.

Off to dig out my sweaters,

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