Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mea Culpa

My brain is sh*t this week. It was sh*t last week too, when I couldn't get so much as a single blog post out. I'm coming up on the anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. It's literally all I think about, from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. Doesn't help matters that I have a bunch of doctor's appts all clustered together, a checkup here and a follow-up with that one, which all eat into my writing time.

Of course that's no excuse to go radio silent and let the blog fall through the cracks, especially when I'm supposed to be building readership, so this is my apology. I'm adjusting my time a little and trying to buckle down now that I know what's stressing me.

It is what it is. Back to business.

We're overdue for product reviews here at SMACK! Any ideas? I think this calls for a trip to my local health food store. Notice I didn't automatically say Whole Foods. I'm *trying* to support local business in addition to improving my buying habits. I'll keep you posted!

-- Jazzy

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