Monday, September 23, 2013

Mammo Monday

A mammogram AND dental cleaning today. In what universe did I think that would be a good idea????

Anyone else noticing the pink ribbons cropping up like weeds? Shampoo and wiper blades are the two random items I spotted last week sporting a pink ribbon. Pink bandwagon is more like it. I'll admit, they make me a little ragey. It's not a popular view, but I'm done with trying to please others. That approval-seeking compulsion disappeared sometime between having poison pumped through my body and losing a body part.

Anyhoo, I think the pink ribbon's time is up. No, really, hear me out. Pink ribbons are EVERYWHERE. It's a little disgusting to be in my local craft store and see an entire display of pink ribbon supplies, for the express purpose of making your own pink ribbon whatevers.

I'm bitter and angry, I know. But wouldn't it be better to save all that ribbon (honestly, how much of it ends up in the trash?) and put the same effort and resources towards a cure? A real cure. Or real prevention. Not just early detection, which is crucial, but actually LESS CANCER.

You marketing know-it-alls will tell me that that's a great idea, but the average American won't fork over cash money without getting something for it in return. And research -- real, microscope-and-lab-coat research -- isn't a thing you can show off to your neighbors or other school moms.

Ok, fine. But since when did complacency become a satisfactory substitute for action? Pink ribbon this, pink ribbon that. We'll donate money to breast cancer awareness or research, but only if you mail in the lids or buy specific products. No, a$$holes, you will donate money to research because too many women are still dying from breast cancer and because too many more women are getting new diagnoses. 

Let's start treating cancer like the health crisis that it is, mm'kay?

-- Jazzy

PS. Doesn't Komen call one of its massive events the "Race for the Cure"? So where is the cure?

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