Friday, September 13, 2013

Toxic Art

Friday, why you always play hard to get?

(now read that again pretending you're Craig Robinson)

I'm dabbling in artistic expression. My go-to medium right now is pastels. I have a decent amount of skill, and it feels good when I'm in the groove and can get lost in the colors.

Creativity can be a challenging endeavor, for sometimes most of the time I am just so choked up with stress that nothing comes out. But now is not one of those times so I am trying to strike while the iron is hot (my autocorrect keeps changing 'iron's' to 'Irwin's' which if I wasn't so effing tired would make me giggle b/c I don't know who Irwin is, but apparently my iPad thinks he's a stud).

The other day I decided to fork over some real money for a set of Rembrandt pastels. They're made in the Netherlands, and they're the real deal. I hit my local craft store but it ended up being a disappointing trip, because the box of pastels was damaged, and also because of this:

#!*!€%!*#*! Everywhere I turn, seriously. Without any more information, I can't really form an educated opinion, so I'm hoping Google can help me get to the bottom of this. I'll let you know what I find out. In the meantime, it's a good example of how chemicals are hiding in plain sight.

Exhaustedly yours,

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