Wednesday, June 12, 2013

SMACK! Reviews: Giovanni Hair Gel & Hair Wax

Another first here at SMACK! -- product reviews! Here we’ll try new products and have fun doing it! 

First up, two products from Giovanni which I came upon to meet the urgent need to control my newly-growing hair (read the original post for a refresher). I found both the Eco Chic Volumizing Styling Gel and Magnetic Force Styling Wax at the local Whole Foods, under $10 each. 

The Eco Chic Volumizing Styling Gel doesn’t have the consistency of a true gel. It came running out of the tube pretty easily on its own. The scent is light, citrus-y with a fairly strong undertone of rubbing alcohol, and no wonder -- the third ingredient is alcohol, and the sixth is citric acid. 

The texture of the gel is pretty nice -- smooth, not sticky or tacky. I always wash my hands after doing my hair or makeup, but if I needed to I could skip after using this hair gel.

I’m dating myself here -- remember Ross’ heavy-handed use of gel on Friends? Hahaha, his crunchy hair was legendary. Not happening here with this Eco Chic Gel . I mean, I suppose if that’s what you’re trying to achieve, and you used half the tube, well sure. But if you use an average amount for your hair length, you’ll get control without major crunchies.

Buuuuutttttt...this hair gel flakes. Big time. Weird, white flakey-flakes. I touch my hair a lot through the course of the day, which only disturbs the dried-out gel and sets the flakes loose. Not. Attractive.

I give Giovanni props for creating a product with 100% vegetarian ingredients and no animal testing, but I can’t get over those flakes.

SMACK! Grade: C

The Giovanni Magnetic Force Styling Wax, however, is a DREAM of a product. The red and silver pot and ‘magnetically charged’ promises are obviously being marketed to men, but whatevs! Also, have you seen the website? Super ridiculous. Like Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball. If you need a good laugh, by all means, go and see for yourself. I'll wait here.

See what I mean? Thankfully, opening a jar of this stuff is no such joke. First, I love the scent. Fresh but not overpowering. Soft but not super floral. Well-balanced gender-neutral fragrance that probably smells great on everyone.

The texture is also great. Smooth, not gummy. Since I’m a newbie to cropped hair, my stylist showed me how to use my fingertips to lift the roots and tousle away. SO EASY. Perfect for those days when I want to sleep an extra 10 and rock some bed head!

Seriously, this stuff may make me want to keep my hair short. Nah, just kidding. I do really love it, though, and totally recommend to anyone with short hair. But I'm going to be a stingy b*tch and take points away for the awful marketing.

SMACK! Grade: B+