Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Big Talker

So much for a new month of posts and news and tips and reviews, huh? I was all talk about churning out posts in March, but it was just more radio silence. Alright, well, I'm making amends. Not just because I don't want to suck as a blogger but also because there's so much going on in our corner of cause-related social media.

While I was slacking, the movie Toxic Hot Seat premiered selected U.S. cities. The HBO documentary is the cornerstone of the "Give Toxics the Boot" campaign created by HBO, the International Association of Fire Fights (IAFF) and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. Firefighters in at least a dozen cities across the country last week participated in demonstrations and other events to garner media coverage and public attention for the film and the cause. 

You can read about the campaign over at HuffPo, and see other coverage at WLBZ in Maine and KREM in Washington. The deadly fire in Boston that killed two firefighters made the hazards to firefighters all the more apparent.

The chemical industry was definitely feeling the heat (see what I did there? cute puns are my specialty). The American Chemistry Council issued this statement regarding the campaign, which basically said nothing but clearly indicated that the campaign managed to make some of those chemical companies hot under the collar.

We could do this all day, but I won't annoy you with my cutesie word choice. Read up on how speaking up -- and speaking out -- can raise awareness and plant the seed for reform and real, meaningful change. It DOES work.

Yours for a cleaner future,

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