Friday, March 14, 2014

Yo Friday

What up, weekend? Any good plans? Let me guess, something that involves green beer. Me, I'm kicking things off right with a really fun breast MRI. Because I just LOVE getting IVs. And this raging head cold I have will make lying face down while the jackhammer goes off around me for 40 minutes extra awesome.

But hey, that doesn't mean we can't end our week on a high note here at SMACK! We're back, you're back, it's a crazy love fest. And after Wednesday's legislative debacle over the 'reform' of the Toxic Substances Control Act, we get some good news from the State of California. The story broke yesterday that the California Department of Toxic Substances Control will begin asking manufacturers to eliminate carcinogenic and other harmful chemicals from consumer goods. 

The San Jose Mercury News covered the story here. According to the LA Times' coverage, regulators also issued a first list of items containing toxic chemicals that need reformulation or face being pulled from retail shelves. Then Bloomberg picked it up, meaning the news should spread pretty quickly. Chicago Tribune grabbed it last night, and I'm going to keep an eye on other media who use the story to round out their Friday news feed.

I mean, it is pretty big news. California has managed to do what the Fed won't -- enact a program that actually protects consumers instead of insulation chemical companies from the scrutiny of education consumers. I'm a little curious to see if other states borrow a page from Cali's playbook to help lead the way to real reform. Wouldn't that be great? To see the states step up and fill in where our federal regulators have totally dropped the ball? 

Love it. Let's get on that.

Happy weekend!

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