Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Anybody still there? OMG, I am so embarrassed that it's really been like two weeks since our last post for SMACK!

How's your summer going? We've already overindulged on campfires, takeout, boat rides, you name it. But I love it! 

I had to buy an emergency bottle of sunscreen this morning, so I stopped in my local CVS, figuring they would have a good selection. WRONG! Literally, the ONLY product containing something other than oxybenzone was Coppertone Water Babies Pure & Simple. Of course I grabbed it, because it's rated super low for toxicity in EWG's Skin Deep Database. But seriously, CVS, would it kill you to offer a few more items that appeal to us more informed consumers?

(BTW, the regular Coppertone Water Babies is exactly the same as the adult product, right down to the oxybenzone. AWFUL.)

I think this calls for a complaint letter, don't you? Haven't done one of those yet, and I think it's time. Stay cool, and stay tuned!

-- Jazzy