Thursday, July 25, 2013

Company's coming!

It's Friday! Apologies for the extra light post, for I'm just about checked out for the week. We have company arriving for a weekend visit and I am still scrambling with last minute little everything to welcome them.

I'm giving homework this weekend!! LOL. Readers, you are charged with choosing one thing among your daily product regimen to replace with a lower-chemical version. Be it shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, eye shadow, shaving cream, kitchen cleaner, detergent, furniture polish, sunscreen -- nearly anything! -- pick something and seek out a new product that isn't full of harmful chemicals. And then let me know!

That's right, I still want to hear from you. Tell me what you've found that you love, or what you like reading here at SMACK! C'mon, don't be shy. I promise I won't grade the way I do the product reviews.

Happy weekend,

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Here at SMACK! we value decorum nearly as much as chemical-free living. Thanks in advance for keeping your comments clean and civilized!