Monday, May 12, 2014

Learning the hard way

I consider myself a conscientious person. Definitely detail-oriented, sometimes almost meticulous. So what gives that I've already gotten a sunburn this season? 

That's the funny thing about sunscreen -- it doesn't work if you don't use it!

I'm not such a great advice-giver if I don't even heed my own advice. 

So let's try that again. WEAR SUNSCREEN. Any and every day that the sun is strong enough to cast a shadow. And believe me, it's strong enough. That sun means business.

What else is on deck for this week? I've had a product review stewing for a while that I need to get posted, we're celebrating SMACK!'s real anniversary (!!) and there's some news from last week that needs discussing. 

And sunscreen. We have to talk more about sunscreen.

Happy Monday!
-- Jazzy

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