Friday, February 7, 2014

Special Friday

It's a rare, rare thing here at SMACK! to have not two but THREE posts in one day. Would we call that a hat trick? I can't come up with anything witty right now, but I am admittedly low on the coffee.

To kick off the day, this post will look at a roundup of news items and blog posts that seem to be worth sharing. Later I have a shorter post lined up about Subway's poor choices. There's more to say on the whole thing, for sure, but I am still so flabbergasted. No worries, though -- there is a nice long product review to close out the week.


Thank you, California, for launching the Safe Cosmetics Program Product Database

Consumer Reports got tons of play last month for calling out the 'caramel coloring' in soda as a carcinogen

The state of Washington wants companies to voluntarily replace toxic chemicals with safer alternatives...sounds good, but who's stepping up?

The EPA released its annual Toxic Release Inventory report yesterday. The numbers are staggering.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) wants more focus on preventing cancer through reducing chemicals in our everyday lives (from Reuters)


That's some good reading to get Friday going...and hopefully not ruin your weekend. See you later today!


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