Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NY state of mind

My internet connection is being a jerk, so I'm going to bang out a quick post while the getting's good.

Yesterday's news included proposed legislation in New York to ban sales of cosmetics, beauty and personal products that use plastics microbeads (think exfoliants). I read coverage from the New York Times here.

Plastic microbeads are something of a scourge in the Great Lakes, including Lake Erie, which borders New York. The proposed legislation comes from New York's Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman. It's being called 'common sense legislation' because, well, duh.

It is totally a no-brainer. So why then do we have to pass laws about things that are painfully obvious? That's another conversation for another day. Mainly because I don't have the answer to that conundrum. The important thing is that change is happening! It's happening in retail, it's happening in government, and we are all better for it.

Let's keep it up! Keep making noise. Keep talking with your wallet. Tell your favorite retailers -- and your elected officials -- that you mean business when it comes to chemical over-exposure.

Midweek happys!
-- Jazzy

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