Wednesday, April 2, 2014

No Joke

That post yesterday wasn't an April Fool's joke -- we're back to a regular blogging schedule. So what's doing on this glorious Hump Day? I'm *trying* to do some Spring cleaning. It's slow going. But I did find way too many yucky nail polishes among my bathroom treasures.

In. The. Trash! Which of course I then feel really guilty about doing, because if the chemicals in all these nail polishes are too toxic for me to use, what do they do to the environment? 

Really, Jazzy? You're making us read about your tendencies to clutter and emote over inanimate objects?

Actually, what I'm trying to do is show what real folks have to do, have to choose, have to consider while trying clean up their lifestyles. Because healthier living isn't just for the privileged and the well-off. Sustainable health is a basic human right. For everyone. And change isn't just big Internet marketing campaigns and publicity events. Change is what happens when we adjust the small things in our daily lives, in our habits and choices. Those small things add up, everyday, to have a big impact. 

One bottle of nail polish at a time.

Yours in cleaner living,

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Here at SMACK! we value decorum nearly as much as chemical-free living. Thanks in advance for keeping your comments clean and civilized!