Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Anniversary week


Has any other word in all of the seven kingdoms elicited as much emotion? If there's anyone in Westeros who does NOT deserve any of the sh*t raining down on him, it's Hodor. Man, Osha would skin those jerks faster than a rabbit if she knew how they were picking on her fave Big 'n' Tall.

But that's not why we're here, to imagine how Karma manifests itself in the highly dysfunctional world of Game of Thrones. We're celebrating this week at SMACK! One year already since the blog's launch -- WOW. One year of product reviews, industry analysis, news watching and more. One year of learning as we go that living more cleanly truly is a David v Goliath-style effort.

And the same way David wields his slingshot to take down Goliath, we consumers must wield our buying power to force the issue of safer, healthier personal products with retailers. Wherever our laws fall short, we can -- and should -- pressure retailers to adjust their inventories to stock products that do more good than harm. After all, doesn't the retailer carry liability for selling items whose intended use is actually hazardous to the consumer?

As always, I thank you for all your visits, page refreshes, feedback, comments, all of it. Keep it up! Seriously, this blogging thing doesn't work without readers, without the back-and-forth. A million thank yous for your interest and for giving precious moments from your day to this little thing we call SMACK!

Happy 1 Year!!!
-- Jazzy

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