Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The catalogs are WRONG

A couple weeks ago I got a bunch of catalogs claiming "Signs of Spring" or some other nonsense. Really? In January? I don't know about you, but where I live winter is still going strong. Real strong. And then the groundhog came out and yelled at everyone about global warming and harsher weather. Why do they bother that poor little guy anyway?

Today we're continuing with the theme of giving clothes a second life and opting out of the vicious cycle of retail fashion. See, it totally frosts me that I can't but myself a winter coat right now. The ones I like are all sold out. Since December. The stores are already full of bikinis and shorts, which is kinda bullcrap. 

So for sh*ts and giggles, I thought I'd hit eBay just to see how good the getting is on second-hand winterish clothes.

Right now -- TODAY -- there are:

  • 5,024 women's cashmere sweaters
  • 2,726 men's cashmere sweaters
  • 886 pairs of women's waterproof boots
  • 5,661 listings for women's UGGs (585 listings for men's)
  • 895 pairs of women's skinny cords
You get the idea. These numbers are only listings for pre-owned items. As such, we expect that they won't all be in great shape. But we can still find some good pieces at good prices.  So what's the problem? 

Well, there's a little bit of a stigma attached buying things that aren't new, that aren't the latest. But why is that? Who exactly is judging us for what we wear? I don't see Anna Wintour -- or anyone else -- walking down the streets of my town striking us down for tying our scarves the wrong way, or for wearing boots when the occasion clearly calls for a wedge. WHATEVER. 

Sure, I'm out in the sticks of suburbia and I can't possibly understand why fashion is important because it's been 10 years since I've lived in a real city so what do I know? Look, I'm not trying to be any type of expert here. But I am trying to challenge the well-established notion that only the newest, only the latest will do. Maybe it's my middle age showing. Maybe it's my real, growing need to protect my body showing. Maybe I just like playing devil's advocate and messing with convention.


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