Friday, February 7, 2014

SMACK! Reviews: Trader Joe's Jojoba Oil

I recently ran out of facial moisturizer. The funny thing is, my first instinct was to hit up Whole Foods and see what they've got on the shelves. Then I remembered a conversation I had with my friend Claudine a couple months ago about using oil to moisturize skin. 

Oil. It's not a new idea. Seriously, folks have been anointing themselves with oils since biblical times. What's more pure? More recently (like, last week), HuffPo ran this piece in its Style section about face oils. Now, I *think* they were talking about fancy oils in delicate packaging so much like overpriced higher-end cosmetics, like the 1.7 oz vial of facial oil that Fresh sells for FIFTY DOLLARS.

Me, I'm talking about food-grade oil. Yes, cooking oil. I mean, if it's safe to ingest, it should be safe to use on my skin, right? Claudine uses, and recommended, safflower oil for head-to-toe moisturizing. She gets a big bottle at her local Trader Joe's. 

So on my last trip to TJs I actually had my sh*t together and remembered to check out their oils. The safflower oil is on the same shelf as the olive and canola oils. Trader's also sells a bottle of jojoba oil in the health & beauty section, labelled for removing makeup and moisturizing. Without any idea as to how my skin would react to the oil, I didn't really want to commit to a full size bottle of safflower or olive oil. The smaller bottle of jojoba oil seemed just right. Four ounces for $6.99. Sold!

I've been using it for a couple weeks now, swiping it on with a cotton ball after washing my face. I still use my Neutrogena eye makeup remover, so I can't really speak to how well it takes off the day. But I can tell you how it feels and what it does for my skin.

It's oil, so it's thick. I take a fingernail-sized amount on a cotton ball and wipe it gently over my face and neck. I use the clean side of the cotton ball to wipe off any extra, but there's never much coming off. I was pleasantly surprised to see how nicely the oil absorbs into my skin. No grease monkey here.

What's even nicer is how soft my skin feels, even hours later. Like, actually soft. And this is during peak winter weather. I have forever had dry skin, and these are the worst months. Forced hot-water heat doesn't help matters. But this jojoba oil, it makes me forget all about dry skin.

If you're new to face oils, prepare yourself for an adjustment period. So many lotions and creams are medicated, for acne control or anti-aging, and oils aren't. And while that's kind of the point, to use something pure and free of chemicals, skin needs some time to get used to the new. At least mine does. 

So my chin is revisiting my teen years, with blemishes of all different shapes and sizes popping up. It's ok. I see it as a sign that my skin is finally doing what it's supposed to with dirt and stress and crummy eating (ahem, Girl Scout cookies, I'm looking at you).

One important thing to remember: don't forget the sunscreen!! Moisturizers with SPF are so convenient, but there's nothing here protecting my skin from UV light. I'll be looking for another good mineral-based sunscreen that I can use on top of this oil come warmer weather (or sunny days on the slopes).

Wow. I totally didn't mean for this post to get so long. I guess I had a lot to say on the subject! Have you tried face oils? Let me know what you think!



  1. hi Jazzy :) yes, I have been using food-grade (organic mostly) oils and butters in my beauty routine for a long time now. Did the cotton ball method work for you? Some oils are expensive & that way might cause some waste. Try starting with a moist face. Spritz it with NaPCA or aloe juice or even simple mineral water. Put just 2-3 drops (start with less, you can add more) of oil in your palm. Then add a spritz or two of your liquid in your palm. Rub your palms together briskly to emulsify (because oil & water don't mix, as the old saying goes). Then pat/press your palms on your face, getting moisture to the areas you want to reach. It takes a bit longer to absorb than some lotions or creams do. But it is HIGH quality with no nasty ingredients. Plus, you can choose different oils for heavy moisture or light. Some of my faves are sesame oil, apricot kernel, olive, squalane, argan, virgin coconut... If you are slightly oilier than you would like, take a tissue and gently pat where you want to remove excess. To avoid chemicals, look for expeller pressed oils that aren't extracted using any nasties. Love your blog!

  2. Thanks for writing! It's always a treat to hear from readers. Still using -- and loving -- the jojoba oil. The cotton ball works great, and the bottle will last me a nice long time (the cheapskate in me loves a good value!).


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