Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year in Review

It's that time of year, when everyone does some reflecting about the year that's passed. I know it's been quite a year for me personally -- completing a journey through cancer treatment that ultimately led me to the creation and launch of SMACK! (which has been a whole other journey of its own).

So here's what we've learned along the way:

 -- Blogging during NHL Playoffs is not easy. Next year I'll have to step up my game with a new level of focus and discipline. Or go on hiatus. 

 -- There is no consistency -- NONE -- among brands and the products they make. Read your labels!

 -- Lipton is stupid.

 -- Revlon doesn't really care.

 -- Real change happens only at the benefit of the retailer or the manufacturer; consumers need to relearn the subtle art of speaking with their wallets as well as with their voices.

 -- Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times is one of my heroes.

 -- Reducing your chemical load -- even by the smallest amounts -- isn't difficult, as long as you're willing to put in the time and effort behind learning what's in the products you use.

As always, I am totally indebted to all of you SMACK! readers. THANK YOU for making our first year really great. I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store! I hope you all have a BLAST tonight (being safe, of course), and we'll see you next year!


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