Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thank you, universe

Sometimes the universe brings you gifts that are just too good, you know?

Gisele Bundchen showed up in my FB news feed twice yesterday. This photo was one of them:

Where to begin...there's a lot to hate on here, since the whole thing reeks of privilege and narcissism. I'm not going to help matters, but what I'm concerned with has nothing to do with Gisele's perfect hair, flawless beauty or impossible figure.

It has to do with the baby.

If memory serves, that's baby Vivian. How old is she now? It looks like she might be nursing, but we don't know for sure. Doesn't matter. What does matter is that this baby has been caught in the middle of a very, very toxic publicity stunt, literally at the hands of her mother.

Maybe the aesthetician isn't really painting Gisele's nails. Maybe the hair stylists had already done Gisele's hair, and the whole thing is just a staged look at how the mega rich multitask (the lighting is what's tipping me off, plus the fact that there just happened to be a photographer hanging around with the beauty squad). But the message behind the imagery doesn't change, does it? 

Mrs. Brady got a lot of praise and support in the comments attached to the photo. I didn't read all 3,000+ comments, but for the sake of the argument let's guess that the point of this photo is to show how hands-on she is as a parent, how she doesn't let her globe trotting life/career interfere with parenting. Ok. But you want me to believe that someone with the resources to have a 'beauty squad' doesn't also have the resources to know what the chemicals in nail polish and hair products are doing to her infant?

Did we not just yesterday visit a pretty thorough piece about the effects of common household chemicals on the neurodevelopment of children? Click here to see it again.

Whether you agree or not, a photo like this has far-reaching implications. Just skim through the comments to see for yourself. Many, many women thanking Gisele for being not just a model, but a role model. Folks would be singing a very different tune (and bearing torches and pitchforks) if there was a cigarette somewhere in that scene. But no one seems to mind that little Viv has no choice but to breath in all the nasty fumes from the nail and hair products that the beauty squad is yielding. Last time I checked, that wasn't good parenting.

-- Jazzy 

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