Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lovin' your oven

It's Thanksgiving crunch time. Who's with me? Come on, don't deny that you're running by a schedule of what needs to happen when, days and hours leading up to the big meal. If you're hosting, at some point or another your oven is going to need cleaning. Maybe you do it before the holiday so that each basting of the bird doesn't come with a fresh dose of embarrassment. Maybe you do it after the holiday to clean away the memory of that exploded pie or the awful glue that we once called green bean casserole.

Whenever you clean your oven, here's a great, chemical-free way to do it. Sure, a lot of ovens have that self-clean feature that basically chars all that sh*t away, but if you're not into babysitting a 700-degree range for 6 hours, this is for you.

It comes from Cha Ching Queen. GREAT name. I don't know where she got the idea, but it's killer. Very Hints from Heloise. My mother had a copy of that book and it was like a Bible for housework. Basically it goes like this:

-- Mix some vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
-- Spray down your funky oven
-- Throw in some baking soda. Toss to coat, as they say.
-- Spray down the whole thing again
-- Listen for the hiss, close the oven door, and gorge on BuzzFeed lists of cute animals while the acid-base reaction of the vinegar and baking soda do all the work.

Are you trying this? You totally should. But even if you don't, take a minute to think about how you do clean your oven. Maybe stop using those cans of toxic, corrosive cleaner, yah?  Do it for Heloise.


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