Monday, November 24, 2014

Phthalates have met their match!

Do you follow TED? There was a link in my FB feed last week about these two brilliant teenagers who in 2013 presented on bacteria that can break down plastics! Amazing. Watch here.

My favorite comment on the video is someone who wrote, "where are the trumpets?" Seriously, these girls deserve a LOT of attention for their findings and for the notion that we have the intelligence to put people into outer space, breed wolves into thousands of different versions of a different species, and see through sh*t with x-rays and ultrasound and infrared. But we can't figure out the plastic problem?

Poised and informed, these ladies could probably take their solution pretty far, reducing waste and even applying their science to recycling processes. Who else wants them to save the world? Who's supporting their work (besides their parents)? Isn't in time to stop whining about the damage we're doing to this planet -- and by extension, ourselves -- and take some real action?

In the meantime, phthalates can suck it.


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