Friday, August 1, 2014

Quick thanks

Hey there! Had to drop a quick thanks to all the great readers who made July the Best. Month. Ever! at SMACK! Yay!! And that's in the absence of really any regular content. Wow, I really suck.

Summer's winding down, which means in just a few weeks we'll resume some more frequent posting. Keep visiting!! It hasn't really been a slow season for any of the industries we cover -- cosmetics, housewares, chemicals and the such -- just a slow, lazy season for me. Actually a pretty busy one, just not busy here. I've taken up golfing! 

I've got a bunch of new products that I've tried this summer, and can't wait to share them with you. Why wait, Jazzy? Get us some reviews, stat!! Got it. I'll see what I can put together for next week.

Happy August,

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