Thursday, May 22, 2014

Summer's start

Can you tell I'm already checked out for the summer? We're headed out of town for Memorial Day weekend, and I'm pretty excited. But blogging doesn't stop!  I promise I will get back to a regular schedule again soon?

Have you seen EWG's 2014 Sunscreen Report? Check it here. Me, I'm all kinds of pissed off at my local Whole Foods for putting out a nice display of Kiss My Face sunscreen products and pricing them without regard to health and toxicity. The 8-oz Mineral Formula spray was $17.99!!! Amazon is selling it for $18.65, and doesn't even carry it (but tried to tell me that the other spray sunscreen lotion is 'natural' with all its avobenzone and other junk. Snort.). 

What gives, retailers?? Mmm?? It's not enough to hardly ever carry actually safe, gentle products -- when you do carry them, they have to be priced so outrageously to lower demand and prevent consumers from making informed buying decisions. 


Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!!
-- Jazzy

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