Monday, January 6, 2014

Too good to be true

Are counterfeit vendors still a thing in New York? I don't recall seeing many when we were there last spring, but there was a lot of the city we didn't get to. I've always gotten a kick out of the knock-offs they would sell, and how they would sell them. All about the flattery, super entertaining. About 15 years ago I bought my dad a fake Gucci watch, and he wears it to this day!

Less entertaining are counterfeit cosmetics and fragrances. You think you're getting a deal on some high-end product (isn't that always the hook?) but according to this consumer alert from the FBI, you're getting a lot more than you bargained for. 

It's straight out of a Bourne movie. Foreign importers, shady operations, the unwitting consumer. Hazardous chemicals hidden in popular cosmetic items, moved through back alley dealers. I'm going home. This sh*t writes itself.

Just kidding. It's not writing itself, because, according to the FBI, the larger, more dramatic story is that knock-off cosmetics and fragrances aren't just ripping off big corporations. They can also be highly toxic.

Interesting. Makes a lot of sense that these totally unregulated products are being manufactured in a way that eschews consumer safety for a quick profit. Oh wait, am I referring to the knock-off items or the genuine, brand-name products they're hacking?

I find it a bit curious that this alert comes from the FBI, which obviously has been tasked with taking on the counterfeiting business with its 'partner' the National Intellectual Property Rights Center. There is nothing -- not so much as a whisper -- about this over at the FDA.

Is it unreasonable of me to think that two government agencies could/should/would work together to maximize effectiveness? Hahahahahahahaha

Counterfeit cosmetics are a real issue. Toxic ingredients in counterfeit AND authentic cosmetics are a real issue. Who's protecting consumers here? Call me crazy, but I don't want the FBI involved in cosmetics watch any more than I want the FDA keeping tabs on bank robberies.

That being said, it's a good alert. Watch what you buy. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


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