Wednesday, September 18, 2013

News roundup

Some really great articles lately that make the case for fewer toxins in our every day lives. I'd love to write a post for each one, but I'd never get to all of them. So, instead, check out a few for yourself:

Jeanne Rizzo from the Breast Cancer Fund urges consumers and lawmakers to act against the 84,000 unregulated chemicals in personal and household products (HuffPo)

Your favorite exfoliant contains more than 300,000 microbeads made out of -- you guessed it -- plastic! Guess where it's ending up? (OnEarth)

A UMass professor wants to test his alternative to BPA-based linings for canned food. Tastes like chicken! (The Sun)

Big surprise, the American Chemistry Council used lobbyists and cash money to kill proposed legislation in Connecticut aimed at reducing children's exposure to toxic chemicals (

I also added a couple new books to the SMACK! Book Corner. Happy reading!

-- Jazzy

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