Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Live chat with Beautycounter

Happy belated Indigenous Peoples Day!

I was on the fence about promoting this live FB chat that the Breast Cancer Fund is hosting with cosmetic company Beautycounter today at 1:00 pm EST. I think you can find it here. Not only am I not the end-all be-all expert on trusted sources for information, but it was a completely new company to me. Serious stranger danger.

But then I decided that there really aren't all that many opportunities for an open dialogue about toxic chemicals in consumer products. I think we can realistically expect a hard sell  by Beautycounter, the heavy push to buy their products. But I also think we can gain something as consumers not to just listen but to have the chance to speak.

By that I mean speaking up about our concerns about chemical exposure in the products we use. Speaking out against manufacturers and retailers who put profit, and not their customers, first. After all, change doesn't occur in a vacuum of silence and complacence. 

Beautycounter benefits greatly from their partnership with EWG and the Breast Cancer Fund. Street cred, if you will. I want to dig in a little and see what they're about. I'll admit, I am curious, not just for the purposes of the blog, but for the hopeful notion that someone out there gets it.

Me, I can't make the chat tomorrow. Can you make time for it? Maybe BCF will post highlights or something. If you do participate, let me know how it was! In the meantime, I will see what I can unearth about Beautycounter to share with you.

Cautiously yours,

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