Monday, August 18, 2014

This is your skin. This is your skin under UV light.

Summer's starting to wind down, but there is still a full month of potential sunburns before the season officially ends. Are you still using sunscreen?

This incredibly powerful video about UV light is making the rounds on the Internet right now, and I highly suggest spending the 3 minutes or so watching it. Go ahead, I'll wait.

How's that for crazy? I don't know what type of sunscreen is used in the video -- mineral or chemical -- but I think it's safe to say that any liberally-applied mineral sunscreen will give you similar protection to that seen here.

Don't become a wallet-face!!! I've got a couple posts on sunscreen in the queue and no, it's not too late to still be talking about it. Skin protection is a year-round gig!

Yours in healthier living,

Friday, August 8, 2014

SMACK! Reviews: everyone soap by EO

Product reviews are easily the most popular thing here at SMACK! so it seems like a natural way to break my summer hiatus. Today we're getting to know everyone soap by EO Products. This isn't the first EO Products review I've written. My post reviewing their cleansing wipes is here.

I came across this 32-oz pump bottle of awesome in a search for a new shower gel. I'm not a huge fan of bar soap but don't feel so clean after using something that is full of chemicals, ya dig?

Here's where the love fest starts. everyone soap is good for everything -- hair, face, body -- so I not only have fewer chemicals in my body, I have less crap in my shower. And I am of a certain age where things like that make me happy.

So I don't mind the $9.99 regular retail price. Remember, this replaces your shampoo AND bar soap/shower gel. I'm nothing if not frugal.

How does it work? It's so nice. Like, really. Some soaps can be drying, others can leave a filmy residue (moisturizing?) but everyone soap just leaves you clean. Your skin feels fresh but not stripped. The lather is decent, both on hair and body. I've used it both home and away, and the amount of soapy foam does vary with different types of water (hard, soft, etc.) but not enough to matter.

EO offers a nice range of scents -- or fragrance free if that's your jam -- including Coconut and Lemon, Lavender and Aloe. There are simpler versions of the same scents in the kids' line, at the same price (and no age restrictions!), and a few additional scents in their mens' line. This is a good example of 'gendered marketing' since they are all very likely THE SAME PRODUCT. Take your pick.

You likely won't find this stuff at your local grocer. It's at Whole Foods, and online. If you do see it locally, good for you! If you don't, try asking for it. I'm always advocating for consumers to ask for what they want. Any store manager with half a brain knows keeping a customer is easier than gaining a new one. So speak up!

Have you used any EO products? Let me know what you think, and if you get a chance to try this great body wash.

Yours in cleaner living,

Friday, August 1, 2014

Quick thanks

Hey there! Had to drop a quick thanks to all the great readers who made July the Best. Month. Ever! at SMACK! Yay!! And that's in the absence of really any regular content. Wow, I really suck.

Summer's winding down, which means in just a few weeks we'll resume some more frequent posting. Keep visiting!! It hasn't really been a slow season for any of the industries we cover -- cosmetics, housewares, chemicals and the such -- just a slow, lazy season for me. Actually a pretty busy one, just not busy here. I've taken up golfing! 

I've got a bunch of new products that I've tried this summer, and can't wait to share them with you. Why wait, Jazzy? Get us some reviews, stat!! Got it. I'll see what I can put together for next week.

Happy August,